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Report on Customer Statistics for the Calendar Year 2020

Read the full report

Did you know?

  • in 2020, the ratio of active paid males to active females continued to indicate a robust and balanced community of like-minded people, highlighted by Colombia (1:2.8), France (1:2.5), and Brazil (1:2.2). The global ratio was 1 to 0.7.

  • On average there were 466,233 new monthly signups in 2020.

  • There were more than 15,200 new member accounts opened on average each day in 2020.

  • The low and high months for signups in 2020 were December (399,545) and July (507,903).

Who We Are

As the world's leading married-dating website we are committed to transparency on our membership. As part of that effort, we have produced our 2020 member statistics annual report. This report demonstrates that is the go-to destination for those seeking a discreet affair.

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